Sunday, May 15, 2011

Place personality

  People have different characteristics. Some are introverted and some are extroverted. Some may be in between. Depending on various characteristics they perceive a certain place differently. For designing a place it can be useful to know about people’s personality who will live or work there. So you can put objects and do furnishings in a way that can make them feel better.

                                                         Fig 1.

  In the class we talked about introverted and extroverted places. But the question is whether it is possible to divide places to these categories? How can we measure it? Could we consider a place introverted just because it is small and cozy? 
  The issue is that how we can know that all introvert persons like this place? I think that it is very controversial.  People’s expectation of a place is not only affected by their personality but also it depends on so many other factors. These factors includes culture, gender, experience and their memories of places. 
                                          Fig 2. Extrovert interior????

  Does the function affect our perception of a place to be introverted or extroverted? For example, can we consider a bar an extroverted place because it is a place in which people socialize there? Or does an empty place have any meaning ? Or is it just  by furnishing a place that we give it a function and also meaning? The question is do we give meaning to the things around us or do they have meaning themselves? 


Fig 1. Retrieved from http://Cartoon

Fig 2. Retrieved from

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