Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ergonomics part 1

   Ergonomics is the relation between man and industrial products. Ergonomics design can increase productivity. 
  The term ergonomic mostly refers to products, but the question is what constitutes ergonomic interior design? What are the factors of the ergonomic design?
  As far as I understand building that makes the best  of all kinds of energy and natural resources like light or wind can be considered ergonomic. Ergonomics in all kinds of design tries to increase productivity. Ergonomic is not just about furniture, having  efficient amount of light, sound and heat in a place can be considered ergonomic too. 
   Having an ergonomic interior space in residential places can give people better feelings which lead to life satisfaction. An ergonomic workplace will lead to better productivity. Living in an ergonomic, human friendly places can enrich our lives. 

                                           Fig 1. Non-ergonomic products

    The standards that are used to make ergonomic products are very controversial, because designers mostly use the average measures of people. But the question is what should other people do? Are the height of elevators suitable for a basketball player? Or are typical chairs suitable for tiny people?

                                                  Fig 2.Ergonomic products

   I believe that in order to have really ergonomic design we must mostly focus on designing adjustable products. Don’t you think it is the only way that will satisfy all people in the same place?

Fig 1. Retrieved from
Fig 2. Retrieved from


1 comment:

  1. This post helps me a lot in my current project that I'm doing. Which is on Erogonomic and Anthropometric. :) Thanks for the info. My blog,
